My Body My Queen is closing as a business. All paid workshops are available for $15. Watch them in 2024 or download the audio to enjoy in 2025.

Available Resources

Energized for Business

Learn simple ways to sneak healthy activities into your day without obsessing about doing it perfectly. Your time and energy are precious. This is your opportunity to take care of your body without the side of diet-culture.

In the Energized for Business Private Podcast, you'll be supported in:

  • Adapting your plans to your energy levels
  • Adding more movement to your day
  • Feeding your body and soul 
  • Recovering your energy as a top priority
  • Making this all a quick, 20 minute, part of your lifestyle 

Self-Love Workout Plan

Let's build those self-love and self-care muscles!

You're worth it, Queen.

Through this "workout plan" PDF, you'll discover how to support your physical, mental, and emotional health by adding self-care activities to your routine a little bit at a time.

This process will create a beautiful foundation to balance your future fitness and nutrition endeavors.

Health & Beauty Declutter Challenge

Create space for healthier habits and routines by clearing out the old, negative, or expired stuff that's weighing you down and cluttering your bathroom.

No shame here. You're not alone in holding onto health, beauty, and fitness products.

More importantly, you don't have to live with that stuff. It's taking up physical space, weighing you down, and creating guilt for not using it. 

Squeeze in 5 Minutes of Movement Challenge

No Burpees (or sports bra) necessary!

Whether you were at the front of your yoga class in 2019 or haven’t worked out since you graduated, by the end of this free 4-day challenge you will see how simple it is to get more physical activity back into your week, 5 minutes at a time. It all adds up.

Join the Squeeze in 5 Minutes of Movement free challenge and learn how to get a little more movement into your work from home days so you can feel less blah and more vibrant. 

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